A short update as things wind down before Christmas, it's been quite a busy week on a few fronts and I'm definitely looking forward to slowing down for the next couple of weeks. I've got a stack of books waiting to be read as well at lots of hopefully great films and documentaries to watch. If you have any recommendations from 2024 you think I might have missed, let me know!
Looking towards 2025
I shared last week that it been a year since I released the publication of Canto. I've spent the last few months working out where I can go next with my work. Through lots of crits and discussions I've found a definite way forward. Despite the recent change in government, the political and media discourse around migration remains entrenched, showing that little has truly shifted. in 2025 I will be looking at how we can begin reframing the narrative to push beyond the same old rhetoric and into a space where genuine understanding and positive change can flourish. This seems like a grand goal and the start of this work will be to expand Canto to not just look at what the current situation is but imagine what it could look like.
On a completely different note it's been three months since I took part in a chemigram workshop run by the amazing Sayako Sugawara. I haven't really had a chance to share any images from the day so I'm taking this opportunity to do so. it was a really enjoyable workshop, utilising everyday materials such as toothpaste and honey along with plant based developer is a rollercoaster, definitely lots of mixed results but it seems like the learning is in the process. I hope to be able to use chemigrams at some point in my practice and have a few ideas but for now I recommend you take a look at Sayako's work for inspiration!